Solid Introduction Classes

Our classes give information to all the mothers, couples or individuals about what and how they can introduce solids to their child. As babies grow, they are gradually introduced to solid foods, typically starting around six months of age. Our Solid Introduction class also helps to overcome the mother’s concern on maintaining the infant nutrition through her milk supply and complementary foods.

Topics to be covered

  1. When is the right time to start solids
  2. What kind of food you should start with?
  3.  Appropriate food consistency
  4.  Allergenic foods
  5. Gagging vs choking
  6. How to balance breast feeding and solids 
  7. Traditional weaning vs baby led weaning
  8. Responsive feeding
  9. Meal plans

Who are eligible to attend Solid Introduction Classes?

For Babies age 4+ months.

  • Classes/Sessions- 1 session
  • Duration- 2.5 hours


Mrs. Swapnil Kaushik is an Internationally Certified Childbirth Educator, Internationally Certified as well as by the Central Government of India Maternal & Child Nutritionist. She is also an Internationally Certified Pregnancy Health Coach.
Currently practicing at Nestling Hospital, Gurgaon. Educating and empowering women across the world.

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