Labour Management Class

During the classes, we educate regarding the signs of labor and how the body responds once the mother goes into labor. These classes aid women with coping and relaxing mechanisms by introducing them to the right breathing techniques and positive affirmations, to move towards a positive birthing experience. 

Topics to be covered

  1. Early signs of labor/signs of labor
  2. Stages of labor 
  3. Breathing and coping techniques 
  4. Pain medicines and medical interventions 
  5. Partner role and support 
  6. Hospital bag list

Who are eligible to attend Labor Management Classes?

For expecting couples or individuals - 5+ months pregnant.

  • Classes/Sessions- 2 Sessions
  • Duration- 2+ hours


Mrs. Swapnil Kaushik is an Internationally Certified Childbirth Educator, Internationally Certified as well as by the Central Government of India Maternal & Child Nutritionist. She is also an Internationally Certified Pregnancy Health Coach.
Currently practicing at Nestling Hospital, Gurgaon. Educating and empowering women across the world.

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